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The legislator Braaga issue - Please read


    Hello Fellow SBRA Members:

    As we are all too well aware legislator Braaga made some comments about cycling (among other methods of transportation) that we all took offense to. I understand the anger and the want to retaliate against him that his comments have fostered. But I am asking that everyone take a step back and look at the big picture. We have a wonderful opportunity in front of us.

    On the face of it his comments are a bit absurd (90% of cyclist will die in accidents). Most people who do not ride look at his comments, shrug their shoulders and move on with their life. But we as cyclists know better. We have bigger plans.

    There was a meeting of the 5 bike clubs on long island (the Long Island Bicycle Coalition) this past Monday evening. We all agreed to turn this unfortunate incident into a benefit for us, the cyclists on long island. We are now working with The New York Bicycle Coalition and Representative Steven Isreal in countering legislators Bragga's remarks and in doing so presenting a broader view of what cycling does for people in our communities. Contact has been made with the major networks, News 12 and Newsday. Shortly we will have a comprehensive plan to further OUR interests and make the general public more aware of cycling on long island and how they can help make it SAFER. I will have an email sent to every member and a post on the SBRA website when this is accomplished.

    In the meantime I ask everyone to calm down and refrain from doing anything that would detract from our efforts and paint us cyclists in a negative manner. No Rides, No posters, NO Derogatory Letters ... When the appropriate time comes for a unified show of force I welcome everyone to join in on what your board, the LIBC and NYBC consider the most effective way to respond.

    I thank you all for taking the time to read this.

    Remember Super Cycling Saturday is just 9 days away. Hope to see you all there. I will be having an update on this matter by then if not before.

    Thank you,
    Bob DeVito
    President SBRA

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