Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Hills 101, a great way to get your hill muscles moving as we do this ride weekly for half the year. Start with us now, if you've never done this ride before, as we improve weekly.
I am definitely slower than I've been in years due to the winter break, so please consider another hill ride if you want to zoom for all 21 miles. We will come in around 13mph.
The route will be from Marshalls to the Old Field lighthouse. There is a snack break (bring something along) but no bathroom. There will be places for strong climbers to push ahead of the pack, but we will wait up as needed for riders having early season hill issues. That is what this ride is about.
This will be our basic route this year, 2 miles longer than in the past as there are some awful potholes to avoid. (more. . .) Some old hills are gone, replaced by new hills and we are going to have a great time.
I wanted to list this ride as 10:00, but the program was a bit cranky, so we leave PROMPTLY at 10:14.
Any cancellation will be posted by 9AM. My cell, day of ride only, is 631-835-1454.