Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
RIDE UPDATE - TUESDAY 2:00PM - THE LATEST FORECAST IS SHOWING A 80-100% CHANCE OF THUNDERSTORMS BETWEEN 6PM AND 7PM. IT COULD BE TOTALLY WRONG BUT I'M GOING TO PLAY IT SAFE AND RESCHEDULE THE RIDE FOR WEDNESDAY. For this week I'm going to deviate from the usual route. The start of the ride will be the usual ride through East Islip up to Union Blvd. From there we will take Union Blvd all the way out to the West Bay Shore/Brightwaters areas. We will return back along Union Blvd and, time permitting, we may stop at Islip Beach. Mileage is approximate, could end up as high as 25-27. Cancellation for any reason will be posted no later than 3:30PM. If ride is cancelled it may be rescheduled for Wednesday.