Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
After last Sunday I can no longer deny my inability to keep up with even a C pace. It gets tough when one hits 55. Oh, well. We'll still beat Bill Pope's C+ as I have a friend with a yacht who will meet us at Sag Harbor and take us directly to Greenport. Meet at the Riverhead Waterfront behind Main Street in Riverhead for a pretty 68 mile ride around Peconic Bay. Going east on Main Street in downtown Riverhead, make a right on McDermott (a church is on your left on Main street). See the South Fork, Shelter Island (from the yacht) and the North Fork. Lunch in Sag Harbor. Bring $$ for ferries and lunch. Bring snacks as it is awhile before Sag Harbor. This ride is a creation of the great Dan Mussler, now continued by the great William Pope.