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    Ride Sign-In Sheets NOT YET APPLIED CREDIT (NOT Identifiable due to missing information) are listed below:

    The following shows a list of Ride Sign-In Sheets that were submitted but the information was either wrong or incomplete (wrong date, no ride title, etc.) to the point where it is not clear which actual ride it belongs to.
    Ride Leaders should correct their Ride Sign-In Sheet and resubmit it to the Ride Statistician ASAP.

    Incorrect Ride Sheet details will cause missing mileage for all ride participants on the ride.
    If you want your ride mileage to count please contact the Ride Leader and ask them to fix the Ride Sign-In Sheet and resumit it ASAP.

    Ride Sign-In Sheets with Wrong or Missing Information - and which Ride Leader submitted it:

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    Please send comments & questions about the SBRA site to the SBRA-Webmaster.