Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
It is too cold and windy this morning for me so the ride will be moved to Friday. It appears it will also be warmer so please check the calendar for an updated ride on Friday which will be posted later today. Thank you.
We will take a ride to Wertheim for a pee break and then back to the start. I’m not sure of the direction we’ll be going, that all depends on the wind. We can stop someplace for coffee also, I’m not sure of the stop because of the direction of travel. Then again maybe we won’t stop for coffee. Let’s just see what the morning brings and how we all feel. It’s winter things change rapidly.
The average pace for this ride will be between 14.7 & 15.0 mph no more +/-, I will do my best to hold a B- on the high end; not too hard to do with this weather.
Winter has finally arrived so please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations. If it is too cold or windy the ride will be canceled. Any changes will be posted no later than 8:00AM if necessary. My cell phone number is 631-484-3490; call anytime if you have questions about this ride.