The ride DEFINITELY ON! But the venue has changed to CALVERTON. Check back to the posting before leaving for the ride!
I took a short walk on the trail this afternoon and expect the snow to be crunchy and rideable ... we may not be able to do all the DBs (the walk was really short!) and I wish I still had my studded tires.... If we find that riding the trail will beat it up too much there are two alternative places to ride. You will probably have to park on the shoulder of Rt. 25 (it pretty wide) as there is a BIG puddle in the center of the small parking lot OR park at the Vet's Memorial lot and ride 1/4 mile west BUT please leave enough time to be there for a 9:30 start.
Do a loop (or two) and then join the crew at the diner for a bowl of soup (or breakfast) with a few $$ from the club;
NOTE: The ride venue has moved back to Cathedral Pines this year. The venue maybe moved prior to the day of the ride due to the weather on days preceeding the ride. Cathedral Pines black diamonds enough to keep the advanced riders interested and cutoffs/bailouts to keep the begineer/intermediate rider safe. NO ONE GETS DROPPED IN THE WOODS!
Attendees MUST be SBRA members to receive $$ for "soup". Please call me (631-928-3913) or email me at nsamuels"at" before the day of the ride to reserve a seat at breakfast. The diner seating can only hold 10-12 people at our table.
PLEASE check back to this posting both one week before and also on the "day of" before leaving for the ride start. Subscribe to this ride and receive any weather related cancellation updates. The ride start time and/or venue may be changed..
No need to be at the ride start 20 minutes early and overheat in the car ... please just be there in time to be redy to leave at the posted start time.