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Mi Tierrita 29

    Bobby's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Thu, 03/17/2016 - 9:30am
    a go
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    Osprey Ride May 22, 2016 See Info Below This Ride

    Today’s Mi Tierrita ride will be going to Smith’s Point. The route is mostly flat with a small incline here and there and of course the Woodside bigger incline. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.5 to 15.0 mph, depending on the roads, wind direction. The road speed will be between 15 and 16. mph.

    We'll stop along the way for a pee break around mile 10. Don’t forget to bring a snack for the beach stop. PARKING: Use the area of the parking lot on the SOUTH side first.

    Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 8:00AM if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call anytime if you have questions about the ride or need directions to the start.


    Osprey Ride May 22, 2016

    Note: There are no ride leader, or sweep credits given. But, what the heck it’s about the fun with your fellow riders before, during and especially after the ride! Other ride leaders are welcome to lead a different pace ride and join in the fun. This is a great fun day; just ask those who did this ride the last 2 years.  Ok, boys and girls it’s time to think about the Osprey Ride. For those you did this with me last year you know we had a blast, it was nothing short of fun, fun, fun. If you missed it last year, try it this year; you won’t be disappointed!


    After the ride there will be free food, live music, giveaways and wine tasting at Osprey’s Dominion as well as discounted prices on wine bottles for riders! . I have posted this as unstructured since I don’t know who will show up. However, I will be doing a B- B depending on the group and the wind. Yes, you have to dig in the pocket for some money; it’s for a good cause.


    Check the link below for more information about the ride and how to make a donation. Please attach a comment to this posting, letting me know if you’re interested or have signed up for the ride. You may also call me at 631-484-3490. Check link below for arrival times. I would like to have our group me no later than 8:15AM.





    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
    Sign-In Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
    Sign-In Sheet submitted INCOMPLETE (if red envelope shown): 
    Ride Statistics
    Ride Leaders: 
    Actual Miles: 

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