Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
5/1 6:15 Rain is expected so to be on the safe side I am cancelling. I hope you got a ride in yesterday. Try to get a ride in or two during the week. See you at Babylon Train Station 6:15-6:30 ready to ride at 7. Remember to bring money if you are parking at the station. Contact me if you have any questions.
Ok so here's the final training ride. I kept it short because the weather does not look good so I hope we get this ride in. If you can ride on Saturday I suggest you might want to take advantage of the better weather. The start point is the parking lot along the water front by McDermott Avenue (one block west of the aquarium). At this point you don't want to make any major changes to clothes, bike equipment and diet. For the day of the century we will meet at the Babylon train station at 6:30 and will leave just before 7. If you are parking for the day be sure to bring money for the meter. A small duffle bag can be brought to the luggage truck, be sure to put your name on it! Any changes to this ride will be posted by 7 am.