Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
At the end of the Lobster Roll North Fork ride, ride leaders and their groups are welcome to get together for lunch at the Lobster Roll North on Sound Avenue, which is a short ride from the Riverhead Waterfront. My ride, which I call the peconic meander, is a scenic ride along the North shore of the Peconic bay, has numerous water views, and passes vineyards and farms. There are restrooms available at our stop at a deli in Cutchogue. Numerous porta-potties are available along the way. Average speed will be between 14-14.5mph, depending on wind, heat/humidity, and rider ability. Since this will be a multi-leader ride, I may adjust the particulars of the ride to coordinate with the other ride leaders. Please check for updates, and be sure to check for changes by 06:30am day of ride. For info., contact Bill Gravitz at 631-356-3036. Park behind the Twin Forks bike shop. Nick at Twin Forks will have refreshments as we visit his bike shop after the ride. The restaurant opens 11:30, and they have a bar.