Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
This ride has been moved from Thursday to permit the trail to freeze and dry out a bit.
A minor change relative to the route ... dependant upon the trail conditions we may skip a number of Black Diamonds if the snow/ice makes specific diamonds too difficult.
We'll do Glacier Ridge but mix up the order of the diamonds IF the trail conditions permit it ... We'll try to do all the BDs but the Ridges will be last and not sure if we'll all have the strenght to finish. We will have to repeat some of the blue trail to get back around ... or maybe we'll explore a fire road or two ;-)
Check back to this posting as the start time may be delayed ... or other changes may occur ... after all: Life Happens and Things Change!
No need to be at the ride start 20 minutes early and over heat in the car ... just be ready to ride at the posted start time