Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
NOTE – If it is too hot tomorrow we’ll shorten the ride. Let’s see how we feel midway and we’ll take it from there. Please bring 2 water bottles filled with electrolytes; I will make frequent stops so we all make it back healthy. The speed, and pace will be dictated by the group, and the temps!
It’s time for a scenic picnic ride. Really, this is my kind of ride, pie and refreshing liquid afterwards; what more could you want. So, join me for a nice ride before the picnic where we can burn some calories, not many, just enough for that piece of pie. We’ll peddle for an average pace somewhere between 14.7 and 15.0 mph. +/- depending on the wind the ride could wind up in the lower "B" range. Bring a snack; don’t spoil your picnic appetite.
There are showers there if you want to bring a change of clothes; first one back gets the showers first. My cell phone number is 631.484.3490; call anytime if you have questions, or need directions to the start. The ride will be cancelled only if the picnic is.