The SBRA June General Meeting will be held as a "VIRTUAL" meeting, on Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 pm.
We will be using Zoom as the conferencing software. You can download the free application and be able to join this virtual club meeting.
Guest Speaker:
Isabel Schafer is a Master Spin Instructor, Pilates Instructor, Fitness instructor, teaches Cancer Survivors strength classes for the organization Strength for Life. She also has a company with a partner called Long Island Fitness Networking Group (LIFNG) and hosts zoom webinars for fitness professionals all over the world every Thursday called Real Talk. Isabel was an instructor at NYSC and one day on a conference call everyone was let go when Covid 19 happened and clubs closed. Isabel turned a bad situation into a good one by taking her business on line and started to teach via Zoom. Hear how this journey has led her to where she is now and how adapting to change has helped everyone stay healthy and connected during the past few months.
Meeting Details:
Topic: SBRA June General Meeting (Virtual)
Time: June 4, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the weblink below (or copy and paste it into your browser).
Meeting ID: 926 9134 1739
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Meeting ID: 926 9134 1739
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Please note:
Due to the potential number of participants at this meeting, all participants will be muted upon joining the meeting.
All members will have the option to submit messages during the meeting or digitally raise their hand.
For a Quick How To, See Image Below: