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Wading River to PJS

    Stormnnorman's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sun, 12/13/2020 - 9:15am
    a go
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    The ride loops around Lake Panamoka then heads WEST and returns to Wading River. IF I don't receive any text/email signup messages I may vary the start time a bit. The route is relatively flat with a two mile optional down/up hill loop in Shoreham that might be skipped (see route map). The link to the route is below my text. 

    The ride will be following the SBRA COVID-19 Guidelines. PLEASE text (631-988-6557) or email (address below route link) me with your rider information (Name, Member #, Emergency #, Cell #).  

    You must have a mask on your person to do this ride ... I've been able to wear a mask at ready as lowered around my neck while riding and would suggest you do the same.

    We'll be stopping for a scheduled break at the Miller Place McDonald's approximately 18 mile point of the ride.

    Ride with GPS Link: is external)

    Email: [ sends e-mail)]

    Check back to this posting on morning of the ride as Life Happens and Things Change!

    Cell Phone Number: 
    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
    Sign-In Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
    Sign-In Sheet submitted INCOMPLETE (if red envelope shown): 
    Ride Statistics
    Ride Leaders: 
    Actual Miles: 

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