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Join Karin and Joe on the Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk - Sunday, Oct. 9th

    "Thanks to all who supported our participation in the 2011 Long Island Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk at Jones Beach on October 9. According to Newsday, turnout was a record (over 6000 participants) and over $1 million was raised overall. Donations collected from SBRA members amounted to approximately $1200. ... Joe Matzelle, Karin Gluth, John Bambach"

    2011 Long Island Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk
    Sunday, October 9th
    Karin Gluth and Joe Matzelle are participating on this walk in support of an outstanding long term SBRA member.
    If you would like to join them on the walk please Click Here to find out how to register.
    Then contact Karin or Joe about meeting up for the walk.

    If you can't join them on the walk and would like to make a donation in support of Karin and Joe's efforts go to:
    Make a donation for Karin's Walk
    Make a donation for Joe's Walk

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