Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Okay folks, I'll be leading Norman's Souper Bowl Ride. We'll try to stay together as I will be doing at least two of the diamonds. Faster riders may form their own group.
Be sure to check any responses he may add to this ride posting esp. in regard to weather. Check back on the days close to Feb. 5th.
Meet at Catherdal Pines lower parking lot; Do a loop and then join the crew at the diner for a bowl of soup (or breakfast); Email me if you are planning to attend. Also give me your cell # and receive any weather related cancellation updates. PLEASE check back to this posting before leaving for the ride start.
After doing this ride, you are allowed to snooze during the half-time show.
Bruce Presner
EMAIL: eyeman56"@"
CELL: 516-702-5639