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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride Overton Trail Mountain Bike Ride Granny Road Entrance Liz 11/01/2018 - 7:41pm a go B/B+ 13mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Ronkonkoma to Sayville Loop Jeff Meyer 11/01/2018 - 4:47pm a go C+ 22mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Peconic update 2 Bill G 11/01/2018 - 4:43pm CHANGED C+/B- 37mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Feeling Optimistic Mike 11/01/2018 - 4:25pm CANCELED A 50mi Fri, 11/02/2018 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Fall Century - Or Not Joe M. 11/01/2018 - 2:59pm a go B- 100mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 7:00am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb-no ride this week Chris J 1 11/01/2018 - 2:27pm CANCELED A 30mi Fri, 11/02/2018 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride 8:30 Sayville to Bellport Tricia 11/01/2018 - 8:53am CANCELED C+ 25mi Mon, 11/05/2018 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Short Easy Meander Tricia 11/01/2018 - 8:48am a go C 18mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 12:01pm
    Bike Ride Briermere Flash 11/01/2018 - 8:38am a go C 26mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Yaphank 36 snake 11/01/2018 - 8:08am CHANGED A 36mi Mon, 11/05/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Shoreham - Yapank Loop Brian 11/01/2018 - 7:56am a go B- 31mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride TBC WINTER MAINTENANCE Bill Wenk 3 11/01/2018 - 7:19am CANCELED B 32mi Tue, 11/13/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Calverton 47 (daylight savings time!) snake 11/01/2018 - 6:19am a go A 47mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride The Charlie Trevor Bagel Birds Ride Daylight Savings Edition Dan Rogers 10/31/2018 - 5:07pm CHANGED B+/A- 53mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 7:29am
    Forum topic Two More from Great Pumpkin Ride and One From Norm's Last Rocky Point Ride are Mounted ... Stormnnorman 10/31/2018 - 4:50pm
    Bike Ride SSM/Manorville Bobby 10/31/2018 - 9:25am CANCELED B- 29mi Sat, 11/10/2018 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride TBC WINTER MAINTENANCE Bill Wenk 10/31/2018 - 5:26am a go B 32mi Thu, 11/08/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride TBC WINTER MAINTENANCE Bill Wenk 10/31/2018 - 5:25am a go B 32mi Wed, 11/07/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride TBC WINTER MAINTENANCE Bill Wenk 10/31/2018 - 5:25am CANCELED B 32mi Tue, 11/06/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride 50 miles to Dune Donna L 1 10/30/2018 - 8:25pm a go B/B+ 50mi Wed, 10/31/2018 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Yaphank to Manorville Jeff Meyer 10/30/2018 - 7:33pm CANCELED C+/B- 26mi Mon, 11/05/2018 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Tuesday's with Morrie Cathy 1 10/30/2018 - 6:37pm CANCELED B/B+ 40mi Tue, 10/30/2018 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Sassafras (Read Details) Cathy 10/30/2018 - 3:06pm CHANGED B+ 55mi Sun, 11/04/2018 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Happy Hour Cathy 10/30/2018 - 2:55pm CANCELED B+ 35mi Thu, 11/01/2018 - 3:00pm
    Bike Ride TBC WINTER MAINTENANCE Bill Wenk 10/30/2018 - 11:52am a go B 32mi Thu, 11/01/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Mi Tierrita Bobby 10/30/2018 - 8:38am a go B- 30mi Thu, 11/01/2018 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Pictures from Our Great Pumpkin Rides and Party are Mounted .... Stormnnorman 10/29/2018 - 4:58pm
    Bike Ride Get Out The Vote snake 10/29/2018 - 2:38pm a go A 40mi Thu, 11/01/2018 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride TBC@17 Bill Wenk 10/29/2018 - 12:06pm a go B/B+ 32mi Wed, 10/31/2018 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Weekend Warmup Mike A 10/29/2018 - 10:54am a go B/B+ 29mi Fri, 11/09/2018 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Sayville to Babylon Richie 10/29/2018 - 10:36am a go B/B+ 32mi Thu, 11/01/2018 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Eastport to Quogue Tricia 10/29/2018 - 9:35am CANCELED C+ 25mi Sat, 11/03/2018 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Around Holbrook Bobby 10/29/2018 - 6:26am CANCELED B- 18mi Wed, 10/31/2018 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Pictures from Norm's Rides in Virginia are Mounted ... Stormnnorman 10/28/2018 - 9:12pm
    Bike Ride TBC@18 Fred McKenna 10/28/2018 - 7:48pm CHANGED B+ 35mi Thu, 11/01/2018 - 8:00am


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