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Cops Who Care Warrior Ride - Needs Ride Marshals - April 24, 2016

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    Joined: 03/22/2009 - 7:54pm
    Cops Who Care Warrior Ride - Needs Ride Marshals - April 24, 2016

    6th Precinct Cops Who Care Warrior Ride
    Sunday, April 24th at 7:00 AM, Port Jefferson, NY

    This annual event is looking for ride marshals for the 25mile and 50 mile routes.
    As a ride marshal, you will be an ambassador for SBRA and you will get to wear their really cool neon vest.
    Also, you will get to ride on this supported event at no charge, PLUS participate in an awesome b-b-q post ride.
    More details can be obtained by emailing Joanna P (

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