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SAG Support for the Guide Dog Ride

    In cycling the term SAG stands for "Support And Gear." What our SAG Support Vehicles provide for the Guide Dog Foundation Cycling Event is assistance to riders who are not able to continue on the ride they have started. It could be due to a flat tire, mechanical failure, personal fatigue, or any other reason that the rider is unable to continue. All the rider needs to do is call the phone number provided on bottom of the "Cue Sheet" taken at the ride start (the paper with the instructions for where to turn to complete the ride). The person who answers the call will help determine the rider's location and then send a SAG vehicle right to the rider. The SAG Support will pick up the rider and their bicycle and bring them back to the Guide Dog Foundation (ride start).

    RCARC LogoA special thank you goes to the Radio Central Amateur Radio Club and
    their following members who have helped to support the Guide Dog Ride.

    Name Call            Name Call
    Neil Heft KC2KY   Stan Bryer W2SCB
    Charlie Fiore   K2CQK   Dick Pav K2RFP
    Bill Lynch AB2UW   Ed Ebert KC2E
    Rich Fisher KB2ZPB   Ed Heidelberger N2IHR
    Joe Cohen KJ4ZW   Fred Carter KB2NVH
    Fred Kruger K2LDC   Frank Raffaele KC2MBV
    Herb Krieger AA2PI   Andy Feldman WB2FXN









    A special thank you also goes to SBRA Member, Barbara Abraham, for managing the SAG Support service provided on the Guide Dog Ride, and all of the SBRA volunteers who help with the SAG support program.

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