First click on the "ride title" to see a popup short description of the ride. Then click on the "popup ride title" to see a *** FULL DESCRIPTION *** of the ride details.
Under the Ride Level details, the "Type: Road Bike" refers to the ride will be on paved roads (rather then off road trails). Although a Road Bike is suggested for Road Bike Type rides it is not required. Hybrid and mountain bikes can be used on these rides as well provided you are comfortable with the pace outline in the Posted Ride. This ride calendar is for club rides, club meetings, club event posts and shop rides only.
For Other Events in our area and off Long Island check out the "Other Rides & Events calendar" and the "Forums"
To go more quickly back or forward "several" months click the "Year" link here or at the top of page.
Firehouse 44 with 51 & 111 thrown in. This will be a steady A pace ride. waitups at the top of 51 and after 111. Short break at mile 27 Exxon. Hope you can join us for a fun group ride, Mo riders, Mo better! Route below!
Doing the ride at a gentler speed than John's ride - low B-. Usually get to Panera bread a bit before the main group so can get the best seats!!! I'll get to the start at 7:45ish and leave promptly at 8.00
Join me for this C ride, which will average 11 - 11.5, no one gets dropped, and we will be observing spacing rules, etc. We will loop around part of lower Stony Brook, then go around St. James. We will take our break at the St. James Bagel Shop (food, beverages, and bathroom available). Route to be determined the morning of the ride, so no cue sheets.
NOTE #1: Please text me with your name, SBRA Member Number, and Emergency Contact Phone Number if you want to ride, I will return the text: YES, you have a spot; NO, ride is filled. CELL #: 631-523-2129.
NOTE #2:DO NOT PARK NEAR TO MARSHALLS, as the area is not posted for no parking. INSTEAD, park in the open area near to the bank which has been closed for several years.
Please text if you plan to join. My cell is 631-835-1454.
The usual hills 101 ride to the Old Field lighthouse. No bathroom. Bring a snack for our break about mile 11. Any changes will be posted by 7:30am morning of ride.
Note location is The Wharf restaurant-not the old TT location. And time is now 3:15. We'll head east and go by a few beaches and scenic streets. Rest stop at mile 18 at Corey Beach..See ya
Nice flat stretch to start and end with scenic rollers in the middle. We be patient on the hills as needed, so this is a good ride to try out your climbing. We'll cruise around 16 on the flats. Water and restroom stops but bring snack and join us for pizza after the ride (cash only). Park in the rear of the loit across from Little Vincents.
5:00pm- B- 25mi a go - Type: Road Bike - Ride Leader: Bob G -
Symbols: A GO, DELAYED or CHANGED (review comments on ride), CANCELED,
SignIn Sheet Status: waiting , turned in, ride sheet incomplete (Note: also click here for full report of incomplete ride sheets).
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