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Would You Ride Your Bike on Rt. 112?

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    Stormnnorman's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    Would You Ride Your Bike on Rt. 112?

    I attended the meeting on the NY Route 112 SAFETY & MOBILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS yesterday in Medford. There are plans for six foot bike lanes in either direction on Rt. 112 from Hallock Ave in Port Jefferson down to Middle Country Road (Rt. 25) in Coram. If you want to see these plans carried out, pick up the phone and call: Margaret Conklin, Regional Public Involvement Coordindator: 631-952-6929. I suggest you also indicate that the auto lanes should be narrowed to promote traffic calming (as Huntington has done) and that guard rails should separate the road from the bike lanes and side walk (the posted speed will be 30/40/50 mph in different sections) and the markings for the bicycle lanes be plentiful. The DOT website for information is (posting will be updated with map info when I find it): ... just enter 1626 in the Project Identification Number area and click Search Projects. I haven't found a map on the page and this posting will be updated when that is rectified.

    Call NOW!: Margaret Conklin, Regional Public Involvement Coordinator: 631-952-6929. Margaret wears a LIVESTRONG braclet ... she's on our side!

    Ride Safely ...

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