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    Joined: 11/11/2008 - 5:38pm

    I would like to pose a question to clear up some confusion I have about what a structured ride means.

    Question: Your on a structured ride. At the start of the ride it is cold and the group all dress for the cold. After about 5 miles of riding the temperature rises and many in the group are starting to overheat. The group stops and several riders stop and remove a layer of clothing. There is a female in the group and she rides ahead, 100 yards or so, to go into the bushes to remove a layer of clothing. The group starts to ride and passes the girl who is off her bike on the shoulder of the road, doesn’t have her helmet on and is organizing her gear. What do you do?

    a) Make cat calls and ride off.
    b) Stop and wait.
    c) Stop unplesant conversation about the subject.

    I have lead many SBRA rides and I have attended several ride leader training classes. It is my opinion that the correct answer is b). Well the group picked a) and the leaders of the SBRA bike club picked c).

    Which answer would you pick?

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