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Donations Gratefully Accepted!

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    Bridget E's picture
    Bridget E
    Joined: 04/13/2011 - 10:09am
    Donations Gratefully Accepted!

    Dear Fellow SBRA Members,

    I have just signed up for a 300 mile, 5-day charity tour, to benefit environmental charities and bicycling infrastructure. My greatest motivation is the health and well-being of my family and community, and I think that this is a critical cause to achieving that health. A polluted world is a toxic world.

    I have to raise $2400 by Sept 20 (that's less than 1 month), and I sure hope that, if you like biking, or think that we should do whatever we can to avoid things like wildfires and superstorms, then you will support my efforts and donate to my ride.

    Here's the link:

    And, if you have, or work for, a company that might benefit from greening its image by collaborating with a sustainability non-profit (501c3), or if you have any other ideas for helping the cause, I'd love to hear from you!

    Thanks for your attention and support,
    and Happy pedalling!


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