First click on the "ride title" to see a popup short description of the ride. Then click on the "popup ride title" to see a *** FULL DESCRIPTION *** of the ride details.
Under the Ride Level details, the "Type: Road Bike" refers to the ride will be on paved roads (rather then off road trails). Although a Road Bike is suggested for Road Bike Type rides it is not required. Hybrid and mountain bikes can be used on these rides as well provided you are comfortable with the pace outline in the Posted Ride. This ride calendar is for club rides, club meetings, club event posts and shop rides only.
For Other Events in our area and off Long Island check out the "Other Rides & Events calendar" and the "Forums"
To go more quickly back or forward "several" months click the "Year" link here or at the top of page.
Come along and see what the renown Kreb ride is all about ... Except for our 5 minute head start we'll tag-along Alley's tag-along of the Kreb ride if they do the North route (yet to be posted by Chris & Alley) ... we'll do the North route regardless. We will have hill top wait ups once we get to the top the E. Bartlett hill in Middle Island.
Be sure to check back Thursday evening after 8:30 PM ....
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
Running late to the Ride Start ... just PULL OVER and call my cell below.
New start location to reduce mileage, early start time to beat the heat, not using the Grumman Trail. Last weeks pie with a $1.50 slushy, along with the bike ride and views of the bison herd, made for a great way to start the day. Bring singles and quarters if you want to share a pie, provided there are enough riders interested in pie. Optional lunch at the Maples Bar if you are interested. Make sure you bring plenty of water. For info: contact Bill Gravitz at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:30am.
Join Brenda and me for this ride from Calverton, around Manorville, and up to Wildwood for our break. We will probably ride on some of the new bike path in Calverton.
You may bring a snack, or pick something at the deli before we go into the park for our break.
This will be a C+/B- ride, which will average 13.4 - 13.9, with cue sheets, and no one will be left behind.
Easy ride through Sayville and Oakdale before heading out to CoreyBeach for a quick break..Bring a snack. Park in the small lot on the south side of the tracks.
6:00pm- C 15mi a go - Type: Road Bike - Ride Leader: Marianne -
Symbols: A GO, DELAYED or CHANGED (review comments on ride), CANCELED,
SignIn Sheet Status: waiting , turned in, ride sheet incomplete (Note: also click here for full report of incomplete ride sheets).
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