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Ride Statistics

    2023 SBRA Ride Season Statistics (Finalized):
    Each ride season begins on November 1st and ends on October 31st of the following year.

    SBRA Members can use the Ride Statistics Reports Below for the Current Ride Season Statistics.
    See bottom of page for historic reports.

    FOR MEMBERS ONLY (You MUST BE logged in to view the following reports)
    (NOTE: If you are a member and logged in and get an "Access Denied" message after clicking on a report, please log-in again right from that page. This should resolve the issue, or contact for more information).

    Ride Statistics Reports:
    NOTE: These are mileage reports that provide data starting from November 1, 2013.
    Running reports for dates prior to November 1, 2013 will result in an incomplete report.

    My Ride Mileage (members only)
    This report shows ride by ride details for YOUR Ride Mileage (you must be logged into your own website account).
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    My VIRTUAL Ride Mileage (members only)
    This report shows ride by ride details for YOUR VIRTUAL Ride Mileage (you must be logged into your own website account).

    Ride Statistics by Ride Leader
    This report shows Ride Leader Credit information by Ride Leader.
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    Ride Statistics by Ride Leader - Individual Ride Details
    This report shows ride by ride details and also allows to view the information by a specific Ride Leader.
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    Ride Statistics by Sweep
    This report shows Ride Sweep Credit information by Ride Sweep.
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    Ride Statistics by Sweep - Individual Ride Details
    This report shows ride by ride details and also allows to view the information by a specific Ride Sweep.
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    Detailed Club Mileage (members only)
    This report shows Total Ride Mileage by Rider.
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    Detailed Club Mileage (members only) - Individual Ride Details
    This report shows ride by ride details and also allows to view the information by a specific Rider.
    Report information is based on submitted and processed Ride Sign-In Sheets.

    Detailed VIRTUAL Club Mileage (members only)

    Ride Sign-In Sheets NOT YET Turned In To Ride Statistician
    This report shows the rides that have NOT YET been finalized because the Ride Sign-In Sheet have not been submitted to the Ride Statician. If you want to ensure you get your ride mileage please contact the Ride Leader and request that they turn in the Ride Sign-In sheet ASAP.

    Ride Sign-In Sheets Turned In INCOMPLETE To Ride Statistician
    This report shows the rides that have NOT YET been finalized because the Ride Sign-In Sheet was submitted INCOMPLETE to the Ride Statician. If you want to ensure you get your ride mileage please contact the Ride Leader and request that they correct the Ride Sign-In sheet and resubmit it ASAP.

    NON-Members who are Riding with SBRA Encourage them to Join Now! (non-members can also view this report)
    This is a list of people riding with SBRA who are NOT current SBRA Members.
    They are either former Members who's membership has lapsed, or they have not yet joined SBRA.
    Take note ... some people have not been members for SEVERAL years (shame on them).
    For only $30 annually we all get tremendous value from SBRA.
    This minimal contribution to SBRA goes a long way.
    Please let these non-members know it's time to join.

    A Note To Ride Leaders:
    Please make sure the Ride Sign-In Sheets are completed properly before turning them in after your ride.
    Before submitting the ride sign-in sheet, check that the following information is entered correctly, or it may not be possible to finalize the ride, which could affect ride leader credit or mileage credit for ride leaders or ride participants. It is up to the riders to write neatly and the ride leaders to fill out all necessary details so the ride can be finalized. Without legible and accurate details it makes it very difficult to finalize the rides. During the new riding season submitted Ride Sign-in sheets will be attached (PDF format) to the ride post to assist ride leaders and participants with any credit discrepancies.
    • Correct dates of the ride
    • The average speed the ride came in
    • Total mileage that the ride came in
    • Participants names must be legible
    • Participants are encourage to enter their SBRA ID Number (found under their "My account" link when logged in)
    • No other required items are left blank

    IMPORTANT: Ride leaders will NO LONGER be contacted to resubmit INCOMPLETE ride sign-in sheets.

    An important message to all SBRA Riders:
    SBRA is the only bicycle club that provides individual ride mileage tracking and reporting to all our members. To provide this great service involves a tremendous amount of "volunteer hours" by our Rides Statistician. Please understand that this incredible effort requires that the Ride Sign-In Sheets that you all sign be as legible as possible. You may think the ride sign-in sheets are just a formality and "scribble" your name down quickly, but please know that the Ride Statistician has to ACTUALLY READ EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM (over 1,400 EACH year!).
    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE remember that "every time" YOU WRITE YOUR NAME on a Ride Sign-In sheet the Ride Statistician MUST BE ABLE TO READ IT. He does so much work FOR YOU and all we ask in return is to remember to write neatly. Please help us to be able to continue offering this great service that no other club provides. Simply writing neatly on "every single" ride sign-in sheet will help significantly.  THANK YOU !!!!

    SBRA Ride Statistics History:
    2022 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2022 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2022 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2021 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2021 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2021 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2020 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2020 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2020 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2019 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2019 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2019 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2018 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2018 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2018 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2017 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2017 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2017 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2016 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2016 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2016 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2015 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2015 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2015 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2014 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2014 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2014 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2013 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2013 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2013 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2012 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2012 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2012 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2011 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2011 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2011 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2010 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2010 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2010 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2009 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2009 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2009 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2008 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2008 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2008 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2007 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2007 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2007 Hall of Honor (PDF report)
    2006 Ride Leader and Ride Sweep Credits (Final)
    2006 Rider Mileage (Final)
    2006 Hall of Honor (PDF report)

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    Please send comments & questions about the SBRA site to the SBRA-Webmaster.