First click on the "ride title" to see a popup short description of the ride. Then click on the "popup ride title" to see a *** FULL DESCRIPTION *** of the ride details.
Under the Ride Level details, the "Type: Road Bike" refers to the ride will be on paved roads (rather then off road trails). Although a Road Bike is suggested for Road Bike Type rides it is not required. Hybrid and mountain bikes can be used on these rides as well provided you are comfortable with the pace outline in the Posted Ride. This ride calendar is for club rides, club meetings, club event posts and shop rides only.
For Other Events in our area and off Long Island check out the "Other Rides & Events calendar" and the "Forums"
To go more quickly back or forward "several" months click the "Year" link here or at the top of page.
Rolling out from VMP to New Suffolk this is Tim's route PLEASE download it so we make all the right turns without confusion. This is an A ride, but considering the route we will have to moderate in some areas new and unfamiliar to us; this ride is also a little longer. Limited stops available so bring hydration and gels. Check for updates before the ride. Let's get out and ride.
St. James General store. PARK ACROSS STREET IN DIRT PARKING LOT. 8am roll with wait ups and slow rolls after the hard hills be prepared for an A- effort but will most likely come in under 18MPH. We will stop at or around mile 20. Lots of nice water views with 2500 feet of climbing. Nobody gets dropped on ride.
How about apaceline ride with the Thnderbirds, out to Briermere Farms?
This time, we'll try a slightly different route, to get around all the road work being done. So, don't get too far ahead of the group, as you may get lost!
The stop will be at around 20 miles, so pack enough water and snacks for the ride East. Then we'll have a stop that can't be beat at Briemere!
Let's work together, with no jacking-up the pace at the front of the paceline!
Going to Great River. I would like to come in between 14.5and 14.9 mph +/- a tad. In order to get this average we will be doing road speeds between 15.0 and 16.5 mph. Expect down hills and wind at your back to be faster. We will take a break at the bagel shop about mile 20. Things could change slightly due to road conditions and wind direction.The ride will have two break-aways.Pulling is always appreciated. If you have any questions, or concerns please text me at 631.484.3490. Should there be a cancelation, or change, it will be posted by 7:15am. Good Stuff After The Ride...
Join me for this easy ride from Calverton Memorial Park, where we will ride on the back roads around Manorville and Calverton. We may take our break in Manorville, or at the deli outside of Wildwood State Park, or at Bean & Bagel. This is a C ride, which will average 11.5 - 12.2, depending on the winds, etc. The exact route will be determined at the start, so there willnot be a cue sheet for this ride.
NOTE: I am limiting the number of riders on my rides, so please text me with your name, SBRA Member Number, and Emergency Contact Phone Number if you want to ride, I will return the text: YES, you have a spot; NO, ride is filled. CELL #: 631-523-2129.
We will go the usual route heading south using the connetquot park bike path. We'll work our way down to Heckscher Park. I would like to keep the road speeds 15-18 mph and come in at an average 15 and 15.9. Pulls are always Appreciated.Good Stuff after the ride.
There are 2 things for sure about this ride: it's scenic and it's hilly. Come out if you want to stretch your climbing muscles. Wait ups at the top of each climb. I'm hoping for a C+/B- average, but this will be a 'B' effort. Several scenic gulp and goes with a break at Ralph's Fishing Station. Call if you have any questions. Check the calendar before you leave your home, any changes will be posted by 7:30am
9:00am- C+/B- 19mi a go - Type: Road Bike - Ride Leader: Ronnie L. -
Symbols: A GO, DELAYED or CHANGED (review comments on ride), CANCELED,
SignIn Sheet Status: waiting , turned in, ride sheet incomplete (Note: also click here for full report of incomplete ride sheets).
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