Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
NOTE Time Change to 11:00am. I hope the temp. picks up a couple of degrees. Be sure to check website for any other changes. LIE exit 70, go South about 1/2 mile to McD./7-11/KK shopping center and park facing McDonald's and 7-11. Average speed will be between 13-14mph, depending on wind, temp. and rider ability. The bagel stop is at the ten mile mark. Layer up, and bring your SBRA #, found by logging into the web site, clicking the left column on "my account", and your number will show near the top of the page. If you can't find your #, come on the ride anyway.
For info. call Bill Gravitz at 631-356-3036. Check the website day of ride for any changes, which will be posted by 09:45.