Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
This will be another week of just moving the legs and getting our bearings on the bike again. We averaged about 13.5 last week so that will be maintained or depending on the group and weather could be slightly higher. Parades have put a damper on a few of my routes so this route will be a loop that we can take and account for the wind (if any) and head out either direction. There will be a rest stop at mile 11 or if we do the Heckshire loop first, then it could be at mile 13-14. Please be sure to have necessary supplies, tubes, COs, snacks, water. Always check back here for changes during the week. Any changes will be posted by 7 am on the day of the ride.
Next week we will venture out of a new location and head east to add on a few more miles. This is a progression training so we will add on the miles and as we get stronger and will add the speed to get up to a B pace before for the Century. This group is for anyone even if you are not doing the century.
If you have any questions please feel free to call or text my cell. Look forward to seeing you.