Well folks, this is getting tiring: the weather won't be favorable for completing the ride on Saturday, so I am postponing the ride! All the weather reports, be they from TV, weather websites or the National Weather Service seem to indicate bad weather by late morning - meaning that we would get rain (or snow), while we are out riding... No one wants to try to complete a near 70 mile ride cold and wet.
SO, let's try for Sunday, same ride start location, same ride start time, same bike channel. And wish for no rain, no snow and moderate winds!!!!!
Leave the Sunshine Mall for another try at the 69 +/- mile training ride for the Century. The ride will include such highlights (lowlights?) as Flowerhill, Mill Road, the Lake Loop, Area 51 and Ashton.
The food stop will be about 36 miles in, so bring a couple of water bottles, snacks and energy gels - no need to bonk and be caught by the aliens!
Here's where that lyric came from (7Speed will love the instrument featured in the song): https://youtu.be/ypKngS7g4QU