This will be the last long ride before the century. Please note the earlier start time. We will again ride a few miles in Calverton, head to Route 51, then south, with our first stop at the Beach Bakery (mile 27) for a break. Then we will head north and go east for a bit on Hubbard Avenue, then north to Sound Avenue to Briermere (mile 48), and back to the start.
I posted the ride at a low B/B+ pace again this week; however, it will be adjusted if necessary because of weather.
Although not a strict pace line, I expect (hope) that there will be pulling help. Those that have done this ride have been great at sharing the pulls, thanks.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a structured group ride. Faster riders please join us if you want to do this pace and ride WITH the group. If you find the group’s pace unappealing, ride as fast as you want, but you are on you own and not a part of this ride and will be removed from my sign in sheet.
Check the ride calendar for any weather or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30 AM if necessary. My cell number is (631) 804-0751.