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Brickwell Farmingdale


    Brickwell Multisports Store
    238 Main Street (free parking lot behind store)
    11735-2618 Farmingdale , NY
    United States
    New York US

    Take the LIE to either Exit 49: Route 110 Southbound, then make a right turn onto Route 24: or LIE Exit 48 and continue southbound on Round Swamp Road at the fork, then follow signs to Farmingdale. Main Street is just about equidistance from both exits. The bike shop is located one block south of Fulton Street (Route 24) in Farmingdale, on right hand side of Main Street. Go around the block to park behind the store.

    We meet in the free municipal parking lot directly behind the Brickwell Multisports store. Do NOT park on Main Street as there is a parking time limit and/or meters in operation.

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