Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
As per Tricia: So here's the plan-there will be multiple levels of rides starting out and returning by 11:30. After that anyone who wants to can join us at the Sound Bistro (Formally the Lobster Roll North) at 3225 Sound Avenue, Riverhead. Before we leave on the rides, we need a head count of who will be joining us for lunch (each person pays for him/herself). There are many menu options including items on the former Lobster Roll menu. Check back for any changes to my ride post once I decide the route I will take. Park at the east end of the lot behind the stores on Main Street.
As always ANYBODY can come for the ride, NOBODY will be left behind and SOMEBODY could pay for my lunch! Newbies always welcome and well taken care of. Any cancellation will be by 8am.