Elections for all 2018 SBRA Officers and Directors
will take place at the November 2, 2017 general membership meeting.
This year's nomination committee has NOT yet been established and SBRA is looking for three volunteers to step up and help. Please email: volunteer@sbraweb.org
The nomination committee will reach out to the membership to let you know how you can help SBRA as a board member. If you are interested in participating as a board member, you can also contact them directly at: nomination_committee@SBRAweb.org
There are 12 Officer and Director Positions that need to be filled for 2018.
● President
● VP Operations
● VP Administration
● Treasurer
● Recording Secretary
● Corresponding Secretary
● Advocacy Director
● Social Director
● Membership Director
● Education & Safety Director
● Rides Director
● Webmaster
Since this is an election, the fact that a current Board member may wish to run again should not prevent anyone else from running for the same position.
Serving as a Director, Officer or Chairperson does require a commitment of time and effort but, without members willing to serve, the Club cannot survive.
If you would like more information about a particular board position please feel free to contact the current board volunteers. The link below is to the list of board positions and email address to contact them. https://www.sbraweb.org/node/26
SBRA Constitution Article IV, Section 3:
At the regular meeting of the Club held in September of every year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) Members, whose duty it shall be to make nominations of the Officers and Directors whose names shall be presented at the October meeting. Those nominated shall be candidates at the November meeting. In addition to the nominations thus made, nominations may also be made from the floor at the October and November meetings by Members in good standing. All elected Officers and Directors shall take office at the January meeting following their election.
We hope you will consider helping SBRA and volunteering to participate on the nomination committee. Please email: volunteer@sbraweb.org
Thank you,
SBRA 2017 Officers and Directors