For a new Thanksgiving tradition, would you believe we'll enjoy glasses of that American classic - Thunderbird, ride a gaziilion miles and then sing Handel's Messiah? NO? Er, would you believe, we'll drink crappy craft beer, ride 200 miles and watch the whole video of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? NO? Er, would you settle for a ride of either 24 or 34 miles, a cup of non-alcoholic coffee or hot cider, and then maybe sing the chorus of Alice's Restaurant, (with feeling)? (Thanks to Maxwell Smart, for inspiration). :)
OK, seriously: Meet at the South Street School for a special easier-paced ride with the Thunderbirds, where we'll have a choice of riding a 24 miles loop that includes a coffee stop in Riverhead, or a 34 mile loop that includes a stop at Briermere Farms and grabbing some hot cider and goodies. We will decide at the start which loop fits everyone's schedule and the amount of time (if any), that we set aside for a rest stop; I know that with the holidays everyone's schedule is different and no one wants to miss Thanksgiving dinner!
NOTE: This will be an easy paceline ride.
Get practicing, here's that traditional Thanksgiving song, Alice's Restaurant...
To all our friends out there, we hope you'll all have a holiday dinner that can't be beat!