Also, You should have a DEC parking permit to park in lot on RT25 (next to motel); permit can be acquired via internet (check our website for link) or park 1 mile east in baseball field parking lot.
The Ride STart maybe changed to BSP ... CHECK BACK Saturday evening AND BEFORE leaving for the ride.
NOTE: The Start Time is a bit earlier than usual! The sun will have risen more than 1 1/2 earlier and time to get earlier starts w/riding
This venue is being chosen because it drains well and the forecast has rain from early Friday into Saturday. CHECK back to this posting as another venue may be used based on how much rain we get.
We'll do the whole thing at Calverton and maybe repeat Roller Coaster from the backend as we head out.
This trail is good if you're an Intermediate Rider.
Subscribe to
this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for
the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change
No need to arrive 20 minutes early and overheat in the car ...
just try to be there in time to be ready to start at the Start Time. Running late?
BE SAFE and pull off the road and call my cell listed below.