Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
This ride may be extended milage-wise at the end of the 35 mile ride (the reason for the +) but will first return to the start point in Manorville. After a quick break the extended ride will again head into the wind so we can sail back to the start point again. I would like to ride 40-45 miles in total. This ride will modify the typical TBC 35 miler by going UP Mill Road and going Left at Connecticut and then DOWN to Grumman to come around to the McBreak at the end of 35 miles. The pace of this ride will be closer to a B pace than a B+.
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
No need to arrive 20 minutes early and overheat in the car ... just try to be there in time to be ready to start at the Start Time
Running late? Pull off the road and call my cell list below ..... We'll wait but make you feel bad about it