Delayed – Start Time 10:15AM
The route, which is the BOA/River ride, will be used for the Osprey Training Ride. After the route description, read below to find out what you are training for; make sure to click on the link at the end for additional information.
Today’s route to Great River will change up a bit towards the end of the ride, if the wind is in our favor; making this route pretty flat except for 2 overpasses. We will go the usual route heading south using the Connetquot Park bike bath. We’ll work our way down to Heckscher Park, do a loop where one can stretch the legs a bit if desired.
Delayed – Start Time 10:15AM
The average pace for this ride will be between 14.5 & 15.0 mph, or what conditions allow. The road speed will be between 15 and 16.5 mph, or slower if needed for safety concerns.
We’ll be making a rest stop around mile 19 at the deli/bakery. The route back will be determined by the wind direction. Good Stuff after the Ride. Not sure what good stuff; it's always a surprise.
Any cancellations due to unforeseeable circumstances, or weather related problems will be posted by 7:30am. If you have any questions about this ride, or the start location, please call or text my cell, 631-484-3490.
What you are training for on May 20, 2018.
Ok, boys and girls it’s time to think about the Osprey Ride. For those you did this with me last year you know we had a blast, it was nothing short of fun, fun, fun. If you missed it last year, try it this year; you won’t be disappointed! No credits of any kind given. But what the heck, it’s about the fun with your fellow riders before, during, and especially after the ride!
Other ride leaders might want to post a training ride at a ride at a different level and join in the fun. Bill Gravitz will be leading a ride for those who wish to go a tad slower. Last year we had about 48 riders from all levels. This is a great fun day; just ask those who did this ride the last 3 years. The route is flat with about 3 turns before reaching the rest stop at Orient Point, around mile 17; then the route is reversed.
After the ride there will be free food, live music, giveaways and wine tasting at Osprey’s Dominion as well as discounted prices on wine bottles for riders! . I will be doing a B- depending on the group and the wind. Yes, you have to dig in the pocket for some money; it’s for a good cause.
Check the link below for more information about the ride and how to make a donation. Please attach a comment to this posting, letting me know if you’re interested, or have signed up for the ride. You may also call or text me at 631-484-3490. Click on the link