Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Now the details:
The ride will start at Sunshine Mall at 8:30. Please note the time change. We will head east and stop at the public restrooms in Westhampton to quickly take care of business. We then head down to Dune Road and go to the Ponquogue Bridge, cross it, and head west. Eventually, we will arrive at the Beach Bakery for a rest stop. Afterward, we will continue west to the ride start. There may be one or two quick drink/snack and go stops depending on the weather.
The pace will be in the B/B+ range since it is a rather flat route, and we will do a modified pace line.
We will ride as a group and return the same way.
This is “officially” part of the century training series and hopefully for the next several rides those who are thinking of going with this group will make an effort to ride; however, the ride, of course, is open to everyone.
Cell: 631 804-0751