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SRS (Special Ride Series) - New SBRA Rider to Group Riding Training Session

    NOTE: Delayed until Sunday, July 1st at 8:45 am ...

    If you are “NEW” to the club and “NEW” to GROUP RIDING, this is the training you should not miss!

    Delayed to Sunday, July 1, 2018.

    We will be offering “training for group riding” that is designed to better assist new people who wish to ride with SBRA. 

    This particular event is being run as a 1-Day Session for the “experienced rider, but new to SBRA and group riding.” This event will emphasize rider safety, SBRA club rules, basic bike mechanics and a number of things which are very important when riding in a group.

    So, if you are new to group riding and/or have not been on an SBRA group ride, this is a training event you should take advantage of. Please make sure you have a working bike, a helmet (required on all club rides), a spare tube (in case you get a flat), and water or a sports drink that fits in a bike cage and will not fall out. After the discussion portion, the riders will go on a ride, depending on the ability of the riders in attendance. On this day, we will be offering 10-20 miles at a D to C pace, and 20-25 miles at a C+/B- pace.

    Please click the links below to view the ride posts (from the Ride Calendar).
    SRS - new SBRA Rider to Group Ride Training Session - Jeff M.
    SRS - new SBRA Rider to Group Ride Training Session - Mike F.

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