Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Since the Kreb ride is staying flat I'm headed to the North Shore hills. We don't have mountains but once we start coming back from the hills we will feel fast as gravity is not slowing us down ... it feels really good!
The pace of doing these hills will be lower than the pace of B/B+ but the effort will be the same as that speed on the flats. Think of this as a warmup to do John's Wednesday Morning Hills ride but slower ... We'll run the North Country Rd hills between Wildwood and Wading River and do Boy Scout as a finale!
Carry a snack along as we won't be making a food stop until after the ride ...
Be sure to check back Thursday evening after 8:30 PM ....
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
Running late to the Ride Start ... just PULL OVER and call my cell below.