Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Does anyone need to log some add'l miles before the end of the year (SBRA's year-end)??? Here's a one-way trip out east on the north fork. We'll try to take advantage of a nice WSW wind that's forecasted.
Ronkonkoma LIRR to Orient Pt and then back to Greenport where we will catch a 2:43pm train back to Ronkonkoma. Riders will need a LIRR bike permit for the train. Permit can be purchased on the train for $5 and it's good for life!! You will also need $$ for your one-way off-peak passenger ticket back home ($9.25 or $4.50 for seniors).
Rest stops approx every 20-25 miles or as needed. Lunch in Greenport.
Note: Parking might be difficult at train station. Please provide ample time to find a parking spot and then plan on riding your bike to the ticket office. We will meet and leave from the front of the ticket office. Please call if you have any questions (347-922-3824).