Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
NOTE: a DEC Parking & Access Permit is Required for this trail.
Time for variation ... I haven't been in Commack since last year. My memory is of a mostly flat ride with a fun hill upto rail road ties on a wide berm ... but I know we skipped at least one other down into a kettle hole (?) where there is a significant climb out. Also, a really challenging tube with tight turns after each climb out of the trench. This ride will be slow as I really don't know the trail. Last year we ran out of time as well as energy ... I plan to do more this year.
I posted this ride as a B as there is a definite begineer/intermediate trail off which the diamonds exit/re-enter.
Check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Life Happens and Things Change.
Running late? PULL OVER and call my cell below ... we'll wait but make you feel lousy about it ...
No need to arrive 20 minutes early and get sweated in the car or freeze outside .... just be there in time to start at the posted Start Time.