Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
This ride is taking place at Brookhaven State Park as there will be SNOW on the ground at the start. FAT bikes will have a blast! We'll head south from the Red Fireroad to Rt 25 and then circle around going north upto the Green fire road where we'll vote on continuing to Rt 25A. With 1-2" of snow we'll have a blast! But I'll pass on rolling over any logs (ask me why if you don't know! ;-).
CHECK back to this posting later Mondayday night or before leaving for the ride as I might also be bring my XC skis.
Please leave extra time and DRIVE CAREFULLY ... remember Life Happens and Things Change.
Please be on time but if you're running late ... PULL OVER and call my cell below ... we'll wait but make you feel lousy about it ...