Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Update 3/3/2019 – 8:20am. The RIDE is a GO. I think we will use the Around Holbrook route because I just don’t know. This way we can stay between 2 and 4 miles from the start just in case there is an abrupt change in the weather.
I just don’t know what the weather is going to be, the temps at ride time or the road conditions. What I do know – If it’s going to be a nice day with decent ride temps we will either go to Patchogue, Around Holbrook or to Great River. Depending on the route the final mileage will be between 22 and 26 miles. Riders should be prepared to do 26 miles. All choices will include a rest/food/bathroom stop except Around Holbrook, which could be Micky D's or the bagle place after the ride depending on the route taken.
The average pace for this ride will be between 14.0 & 15.0 mph; naturally the road speed will be higher to produce the average.
Any cancellation due to weather or any other circumstance will be posted no later than 9:15am if necessary. If you have question about the ride or the start location please call or text me 631.484.3490…