Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Given the strong winds we may shorten ride and can decide along the way
I'm combining the Coram to Shoreham with my Longwood Loop. We will head to Shoreham Beach via Whiskey Rd. On way back we can stop at Bagel place for bathroom, water, snack; then head back to Whiskey to go south on Smith and do Longwood loop. There is one hill at Longwood school otherwise this ride will be flat and rolling. I don't know how to do ride with gps so i guesstimated mileage which should be close. Please check back by 9 am morning of for any changes.
Since its early in season i've dropped pace to C+ for those of us needing to get back our legs and seats! Please bring water & snacks.
any questions call Anita at (631) 806-9662.