Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Our second hill ride. Explore the hills, reservoirs, lakes, streams, (a waterfall if I don't miss it) mansions, coast on this scenic tour of our neighbor to the north. The first 30 miles are an increase in elevation. It eases up after that with the next 20 miles are rolling with an overall down hill and the final 18 are pretty flat. It is two miles shorter than last year's route. Two strategically placed deli type stops with bathrooms. Breakfast on the Ferry isn't half bad!
Allow at least a half hour to park and purchase Ferry Tickets $33 round trip can be purchased online in advance. Port Jeff residents can park in a Village lot for Free. Brookhaven Residents can park in the Brookhaven lot. All others must pay to park or park on a residential street a number of blocks away - allow 45 minutes if you're thinking of that. (link is external)