My yearly SBRA pilgrimage to Coney Island for a hot dog and a beer via mostly boardwalks and bike paths.
NEW for 2019... the route will go Long Beach Boardwalk (BW), Altantic Beach (BW), Far Rockaway (BW)... then we'll board a NYC Ferry from 108th Street in Far Rockaway and land in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. From there it's just one mile to the very beginning of the Belt Parkway Bike Path. We'll ride from there along the water, under the Verrazano Bridge, then onto some city streets to Nathan's in Coney Island for the official pitstop.
From there... the ride continues through Coney Island, Sheepshead Bay, Belt Parkway Bike Path, over the Marine Bridge, the Far Rockaway Boardwalk from beginning to end, Atlantic Beach Bridge to Long Beach Boardwalk and done.
It's about 40 miles of riding (57 if you count the miles on water).
Here's a link to the route: (link is external)
Although posted as a B+, this will be a somewhat casual ride. The open road pace will be in the 17-18mph range... which will be off-set substantially by much slower riding on boardwalks and some city streets. The bridges are the only hills. The rest of the route is dead flat.
Obviously, this is a no drop ride and wait-ups if necessary will be no problem. Just bring your best bike handling skills and don't get freaked out by some riding on busy city streets. There are an abundance of restroom options all along the way. Bring snacks and gels.
And.... I would also strongly recommend bringing one "meal" to eat on the ferry. It'll be the perfect time to eat something and that food should hold you over until Nathan's. If necessary, there is a bagel shop a couple blocks from the ferry in Far Rockaway. Stopping there will not be a problem.
I recently took an abbreviated version of this ride:
The only foreseeable complication is the 12 bike limit per ferry. It's possible this could complicate my perfect plan, so join this ride open to the possibility of (any and all) potential changes to the route.
YOU MUST... download the NYC Ferry app and have it set-up with your credit card info ready to go. Let's not have some unecessary futzing around while you try and buy your ticket. The ride is $2.75 + $1.00 for the bike. You can make this purchase in advance using the app and be ready to board.
I have no set time frame for how long the ride will take, but we should be back at the cars by around 3:30pm.
If you were on this ride last year, you know how important it is to download the route. I'm hoping for a little less personal drama for this years ride. ;)
Questions? Concerns? Feel free to text me....
Next stop...
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