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READ SSM/Manorville

    Bobby's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sat, 03/21/2020 - 9:30am
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    Ride Cancelled due to SBRA Temporary Change in Posting Policy


    Let me start by saying I’m not looking for a rebuttal, or a debate. The SBRA board is thinking about shutting down the ride calendar due to the virus. If you are a ride leader, or a rider who feels like they shouldn’t ride, this is your choice, you know your own situation, don't ride! Don't post! I know my own situation; I will make my own choices, and not be bound by other opinions. If the calendar gets shut down, and you still want to ride with me, we will have to do it by email, or texting in order to set up a ride. My email address is Or text me at 631.484.3490. With me, texting works best. All my rides will be a B minus. If I get slower riders I will adjust the pace. You will not be left behind.

    I have a ride up for today which will not be cancelled. For Sunday if it’s not too cold I have a ride up as well. I am an adult, I know my risks, I go to Home Depot, the food stores, the, post office etc. I’m of the opinion, the world is not ending and life goes on. That being said… If you are sick, or feel sick, for the safety of your fellow riders please don't ride today.   

    It's off to Manorville. The route will depend on the wind direction. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.0 to 15.0 mph +/- depending on the roads, wind direction, rider ability or other conditions. Naturally, the road speed will be higher (15 -17.0 mph.) to produce the average.  

    There are a few places along the route where leg stretches can be done for those who wish to do so. There is no obligation for anyone to do this; you can hang back with me.  

    Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 8:00am, if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text me anytime if you have questions about the ride 








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