Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Time change from 08:15 to 07:50 to beat the heat a little. Mileage changed from 30 to 28. If you plan on joining us on this ride, you must text Bill Gravitz @ 631-356-3036, with the following info: SBRA#, cell#, emergency#, and day of ride. I will return your text saying: you are in, or, sorry, ride is full. You must also read the SBRA rules, found below the details of the ride. Nettie's bakery has flush toilets, and ample outdoor space for social distancing. I should also add that it has wonderful baked goods. For information, contact me at the above number. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:45am. You must be a member to be on this ride. No mask, no ride.