Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Update: Just stopped raining in Mt. Sinai. See you at Veteran's Park. Ride is delayed due to potential rain. I will post an update at 08:00am. To reserve a spot, text me (Bill Gravitz, 631-356-3036) your SBRA #, emergency and cell numbers, your name and date of ride. We will do some of the Grumman Trail, adding loops both north and south of the trail. There is a nice deli just prior to the park that we can stop at if you wish to buy anything. Wildwood has plenty of shaded picnic tables, and real bathrooms. You must have a mask, and you are required to read the SBRA Covid rules below the ride description. For info: contact me at the number listed above. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be listed by 06:45am.